Different types of UAP/UFO spaceships:
1. The more physical type ships are ‘manufactured’ craft, using more advanced techniques than what we are familiar with. These are used by the Greys (typical saucers) & Pleiadian civilizations (different kinds of saucers).
2. Following the physical level craft, there are even more advanced manufactured craft referred to as the “Tic-Tac”/ ‘pill’ shaped ships. The reason for the shape is because they don’t only travel through the air/space they are submarines that access underwater bases under the ocean floor. They are very advanced and we will get use to seeing these more often the closer we get to initial first contact. These craft are used by the Yahyel and the hybrid children that will be coming to live among us.
3. Next are quasi-physical crystalline triangular craft used by the Sassani (Bashar) and a few other hybrid & non hybrid civilizations. These craft are grown on a force field and made of a crystalline nano-tech material, essentially a time crystal. Depending on what is needed inside the craft, they can shift into many forms and are a conscious artificial intelligence that telepathically links to the pilot/occupants. The craft responds to the pilot’s thoughts and can relocate almost instantaneously to different star systems.
4. Next there are etheric energy type craft that are more like a ‘spirit’ version of a UFO and are mostly from the lower astral & spirit realms. They have simple craft formations that beings from an electro-magnetheric realm between physical and non-physical reality can choose to represent themselves by. They can easily travel inter dimensionally and exhibit unusual or physically confusing qualities to us like changing sizes or splitting into multiple crafts, etc.
5. Finally, the totally non-physical “light craft” made of pure energy & light. They can rapidly appear & disappear and take many shapes/forms. They represent higher levels of consciousness that wish to temporarily enter or observe our dimension, to monitor or transmit energy & frequencies.
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