ET Hybrid Races (From the oldest to newest)
1. Grey Aliens - Not exactly “alien”, they were a mutated human from a parallel Earth who destroyed their world & needed viable human dna to survive. Our world agreed on a soul level to help since we knew it would be beneficial to both civilizations, and we knew we were family sharing the same higher oversoul. In return for dna they would guide us and provide valuable knowledge as they saw us heading down a similar path of destruction. One of the biggest gifts they're giving us is that WE DON'T HAVE TO GO DOWN THE SAME PATH of destruction, as the soul has already learned all the lessons, it would be pointless for us to do that as well. They were brave enough to create a dead end culture and this was a valuable lesson. They entered our reality/timeline and began this massive hybridization project to reconstruct their bodies and civilization around 6,000 years ago. In 2023 the agenda is pretty much over which is a massive celebration and why first contact is happening within the next 10 years. Completion of the hybrid program = first contact to meet the beings who were created (the grand reunion).
2. Tall Greys - The first generation hybrids who began to look more like a natural human with increased height etc. They assist/assisted with the hybridization agenda and "abductions".
3. Sassani - The 3rd race created via the hybrid program. This is Bashar's (channeled through Darryl Anka) race and he is a first contact specialist, that’s why most info so far has come through him. They don't have names since they are telepathic/telempathic, Bashar simply means "messenger or bringer of good news" in Arabic, which is Darry's lineage. Darryl is Bashar's "past life" they are the same soul who create a telepathic bridge (like tuning forks) to communicate. Darryl enters a channeling / gamma brain wave state and Bashar overlays his consciousness to establish the connection. Again think of two tuning forks where one is vibrating and the other is not, when you bring the one of higher vibration in close contact to the other, it overwhelms the one not vibrating and brings it into the same pitch/vibration. This is mechanically what's happening when Darryl channels Bashar. The ETs channel through humans as part of first contact protocol for 2 reasons: first we are designed to be the perfect receivers of info (more than any trillion dollar AI replica of us, we are God itself nothing can compare to how advanced we are as humans/ETs/consciousness. The other is because no one has to believe it's true when ETs channel through a human, it's a hands off, non-intrusive intention. You can either apply the knowledge Bashar provides and drastically change your life in positive ways or just call him crazy! and move on with your life.
4. Shayahel - These are the “precursors” who look human enough to walk among us physically. There are precursors in every country on Earth. Their purpose is to test how sensitive & ready we are for more interaction with beings from other worlds. They observe, when you pass by them, if we can pick up on a difference that they are not from our world. The more people that can tell a difference means we are ready for more conscious/physical contact.
5. Yahyel - They are the newest hybrid race and the most human looking. This is why they will be the first hybrid race to have open contact with us (not the first overall, that will most likely be the Pleiadians, but the first hybrids). They showed their spaceships during the Phoenix Lights in 1997 & they are the caretakers of the newest hybrid children us Earth humans have helped create with our own dna called the Shalinaya which means “those who come first” to physically live on Earth. The Shalinaya will be brought down to Earth to live in safe enclaves in nature and small towns first as we get use to each other. They will then move to bigger cities and around globe. There will be 333 Shalinaya coming to live on Earth as part of the 1st phase, many more after them.
6. Shalinaya + Earth human- We will blend/reproduce with the Shalinaya and evolve over time with them into the 6th hybrid race. Earth is in the early stages of becoming the newest hybrid race which is extremely exciting and many millions of ETs are watching the show right now! You are famous if you didn't know. You are a legend for choosing this life of laying the ground work. We are the ancestors of many beings who will call themselves the 6th race, we are the legends in their stories about the "past", in their "future". Over the next 1,000 years all 6 races will blend into the 7th hybrid race, which will be a highly advanced being the Universe has never seen before.
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