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Extraterrestrial Races / First Contact

Updated: Jun 28, 2023

Our music has a strong theme of ET contact, our connection to the multiverse, and extraterrestrial races. We consider ourselves to be starseeds and are assisting with this massive transition. First contact with our extraterrestrial family is projected to happen around 2033. There are millions of other ET races but here are some of the main ones we will be interacting with physically in the near future.

Essassani contact symbol Bashar Darryl Anka

Pleiadian- The Pleiadians are a group of humanoid beings from the Pleiades that look much like us, and are considered to be highly attractive. They are our closest genetic cousins and will be one of the first (if not first) race we will have open contact with. This is because they look the most like us, so we will not "freak out", we will get use to their frequency first before other races who look different than us arrive. UFO sightings are highly probable to be them.

Sirian- Sirius has two races. A physical race of salamander/amphibious looking beings that reside on Sirius B. They have visited our planet in the past and gave knowledge about math, farming, and other issues to the Dogon people of West Africa. This is documented in Dogon culture. The other group is non-physical and a very high vibration. They act as spiritual guides to many beings including us.

Arcturian- The Arcturians from the Arcturus star is another non-physical consciousness that acts like a "gate" for people incarnating on Earth. By going through the "Arcturian gate" you do not forget as much of who you are as a Spirit/Soul and can operate more efficiently in physical reality.

Yahyel- This alien race is not exactly alien. They are the result of the hybridization of our (and other's) dna mixed with the Grey Alien's dna to produce "hybrids". The Greys are not alien either, they were a mutated human from a parallel reality Earth that destroyed their world and lost the ability to reproduce. We and other beings agreed to provide the dna required to reconstruct their bodies to continue their culture or they would have died out. We did this through Soul agreements because they are our family / oversoul. The Yayhel is the 5th race (most recent) created through the hybridization agenda and they look the most like us out of the hybrid races. Because of this (similar to Pleiadians) they will be the first hybrid race to have open contact with us. They showed their ships in 1997 as the Phoenix Lights. They are also the caretakers of our own hybrid children that many of us have. The hybrid children are living on the Yahyel's spacecraft until it is time for them to physically come live on Earth.

Essassani- The Sassani beings are the 3rd race created from the hybridization program. They will be the 3rd hybrid race to have open contact with us, after the Yahyel, since they have a very high frequency and look more different than us, we will need some time with other ETs and the hybrid children to up our vibration before physical contact with the Sassani. Bashar channeled by Darryl Anka is a first contact specialist and this is his race. He has been the main point man for first contact with our world and is highly trained in contacting / communicating with worlds about to have open contact & be initiated into the interstellar alliance (association of worlds).

Anunnaki- The Anunnaki were ancient beings from the stars that migrated out of the Orion system and have since evolved into something highly advanced. They are responsible for creating the human race by injecting their dna into the early Earth hominid. They were the tall giants in our history, all over the Bible, in ancient Egyptian stories, Atlantean stories, many myths and stories have been passed down through multiple cultures about them. Without the Anunnaki we wouldn't exist as current humans.

For more info regarding ETs, first contact, and spiritual knowledge follow our side IG account-

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